Friday, March 23, 2007

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sparring

Well this past week I focused on attending more sparring sessions. It went pretty well considering I didn't get any injuries which is always a plus. In addition it was good to get back into rolling more consistently as I feel you can only take in so much from technique class and without consistent sparring you don't really learn how to apply what little you do retain from technique class. Overall I did pretty well but it really surprises me how few people that joined after me have continued training. I would imagine there has probably been 25 to 35 new students sign up for the 1 year program since I joined and of that I would say only 5 or 6 are still coming to class more than once a month which is why I still feel so far behind when I go to sparring sessions as it is pretty rare to roll with someone that has less experience than I do.

Wow that was quite a few run on sentences...oh well I apologize for my poor writing skills...until next time good luck with your training everyone.

Anyone who hasn't come over to MMA HUB yet stop by and leave a post if you have minute.