Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Advice from a newbie
DON'T TAKE OVER A WEEK OFF -- thats my great advice to newbies who want to improve quickly. I took a week off not too long ago and it really affected my performance. Now when I say a week off, I mean not thinking about Jiu Jitsu in any form. If while your off or away from the gym you watch some DVD instructionals and do some drills at home this will help you dramatically. When I got hurt earlier this year I watched quite a few DVD's and read a few books that helped me to actually improve while I was away from the gym. Lately I have only been thinking about Jiu Jitsu when I am at the gym which is a big reason I think my progress has slowed of late. Going to the gym, watching DVD instructionals, and reading BJJ books out side of class can really help speed up your progress. Thats my quick sorta informed opinion for the few who are newer than I am.