Too Old For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Well apparently I am getting old. I went to the doctor last Friday because my toe has been hurting pretty bad at class this week and it turns out I have Hallux Limitus (Def. A bony proliferation and articular degeneration of the first METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT that is characterized by pain and a progressive decrease in the dorsiflexion range of motion.) Basically as I continue doing Jiu Jitsu I am wearing down the joint which will continue until my toe no longer moves without extreme pain because the bones will be rubbing together. So that was good news. I can't believe I am only 26 and I have joints failing already. The good news is I am glad to be back at class on a regular basis again. Since I cant really do much except not use my toe to slow down the degeneration im just going to keep going and not worry about it until I need the surgery which will hopefully be later instead of sooner I guess.