Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sparring
So last night I returned to sparring after not going for a few weeks. It was nice to see 3 or 4 new guys there as that meant I could have a test dummy instead of being the test dummy.
The sparring class lasts for 2 hours; I made it 1. It wasn't bad considering how tough the sparring classes are. Fighting takes alot out of you and fighting someone that has much better technique than you (ie. blue belts, purple belts, etc...) requires alot of speed and strength to overcome. Unfortunately I don't have much of either so I spent the night struggling with the advanced students. Basically I was just holding on for dear life grabbing their collar and not letting go. After 30 minutes of that I could barely make a fist.
After being schooled over and over again I got to spar with a couple of the newbies which meant a little time to relax and experiement. It is so much easier to relax against a less skilled opponent as nothing they do suprises me too much, which is what makes fighting them easier. It makes it easier to understand how the advanced students can submit you over and over again without breaking a sweat, its the same principle. So I worked on my sweeps quite a bit and a few side control submissions which all went well. My technique is still pretty poor and I pulled off one of the worst looking armbars of the night but what can I say, I'm a newbie to. All in all though it was a good time that was injury free which is always nice.