Monday, October 30, 2006

A Week Away From Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Well I took last week off from training to let my bruises heal and my body rest for a week. I also had quite a few things going with work so it was kind of a forced break. The break gave me a little time to step back and think about how my game has progressed since I started so many months ago. The sad part is for anyone that maybe reading this that is new is that I still feel like I don't really know much and that I am still very much a beginner. New guys to the gym who don't have any ground work are pretty easy unless they are extremely strong and fast which can be a handful but I feel I have been progressing a little slower than others that started about the same time I did that have been going consistently. I think the main reason for this is that I don't spend enough time outside of class working on drills and studying video and books. I always feel like I make big gains when I spend a week watching a new instructional DVD and then taking the time to memorize all of the pieces of the movements but it is tough to make the time for this study and I guess it comes down to commitment. I made the commitment to attend class regularly and have but I didn't make the commitment to spend the time necessary outside of class to become skilled at brazilian jiu jitsu. I guess I am at a point now where I need to define what exactly my goal is in brazilian jiu jitsu and then take the time to layout the requirements necessary to meet that goal. When I started I had the goal to get my blue belt but when I look back at my initial posts and thought process I realize my real goal was simply to get active again and get myself in shape it wasn't really to get a blue belt. Well I guess I need to go and think about this for a little bit and see what I come up with.


At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man,i am a brazilian and a white belt too of brazilian jiu jitsu.congratulations for you about the blog.
continue like that and you will get the black belt.donĀ“t give up.

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't believe i sense even a little doubt in your committment to jiu-jitsu. This web site has helped me tremendously in achieving my blue belt, your interest for the art has inspired to always try to learn more. Everybody has training ups and downs but with bjj you shouldn't evaluate your own progress this early that harshly when comparing to people that started at the same time without making serious considerations for stregth, agility, and flexability differences. BJJ is a long road and I have no doubts from reading this blog that your will can take you as far as you want in BJJ.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Jits said...

anonymous--I didnt mean for the post to sound like I was thinking about quiting, just maybe evaluating what I want to get out of it. I enjoy bjj far too much to quit but I think I am at a point where I need to decide if this is a passive activity for me to stay active and keep in shape while learning or if I want to take it to the next level and dedicate myself to spending the time necessary to become competitive and treat it more as a sport than a hobby.

Thank you for your words of encouragement though I appreciate it.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

take my word for it...this will turn around one day and there will be no reason for it.

I trained all up for 4 years and got my blue. When I started, there was 3 other guys who all started within a week or two of me. At the start, I could pretty much dominate one of them and the other 2 would have been better than I was. 2 years later, the guy we all dominated was handing us our asses and I was probably number 2 in the pecking order. 2 years after that, the other two had gotten the idea and had improved also. It is different for everyone, but it will seem like one day you will be rolling and be in a position you have always had issues with (for me was under a north/south) and instead of making the same errors and failing, you will all of a sudden pull something out and regain guard or is just the way of the Jits!


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