Monday, August 14, 2006

Why Do You Train In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

I am curious to hear why others decided to train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, so if you feel like sharing go ahead and post a comment below. I personally started training because I had become a couch potato after college. For a year and half after college my life consisted of going to work, (sitting at a computer all day) coming home eating fast food, watching a little tv, doing more work on the computer, and then going to bed. Not a very healthy lifestyle compared to when I was in college cycling competitively and playing hockey 5 or 6 times week. So after getting very out of shape do nothing for a year and half I tried to join a gym which didn't last long as I was bored out of my mind 5 minutes after I got there. That's when I started looking for some way to get exercise that would continually challenge my mind and body. From that concept I decided to take a look at various martial arts. I looked into aikido, boxing, and several other martial arts. None of them appealed to me as much as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu did. The main reason I liked Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was and is because of the sparring aspect of the sport. You could train hard and apply what you learned in a live environment at full intensity. It was a sport I actually imagined could hold my interest for more than a few months. So after a long deliberation due to having to sign a two year contract required to join, I took the plunge and have never looked back. I am very happy with my decision to this day even after getting a broken rib.


At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I'll bit.

I started training for many reasons. First, after many years of stand-up MA training I was still getting beaten by taller, longer reach guys.

Second, after watching these smaller framed (like myself) Jiu-Jitsu guys pretzel a big guy I was intrigued.

Third, my first class was an eye opener, the material was solid, well presented, and surprisingly fun.

It's a great sport, if you train smart and check your ego at the door.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reason I joined is very much the same as the original poster. After college was working allot trying to get a secured job position and a couple of raises. But after couple of years of working behind a desk I gained about 20 of fat and lost most of the body strength I had while in college so i joined a gym and then Jiu-Jitsu club. I still do both Jiu-Jitsu for my self and Gym and other outdoor activities with my family and friends. I must say the first few weeks at the dojo were devastating I would gas after first five minutes sparring. But i kept going to the beginner classes and got to the point that I went hard the entire class, also, learned the basics. Now I go to the regular class and I am back to gassing out, but I can last till about 10 minutes till the end of class. The regular class is longer and much more sparring.

Things I keep telling my self be respectful to everyone, be patient, and enjoy your new found stamina and strength.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Maryn said...

We just enrolled our 7 year old daughter in brazilian jiu jitsu. She's not a very physical kid and she was scared at first. My husband had been in the Army Rangers and the Gracies had come to train them, and we knew jiu-jitsu would teach her how to handle larger opponents. Anyway, she enjoys it now. She is also a lot more confident. Hopefully this will help her grow up with this being second nature.

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started with a Korean Martial art (just for the same reason you did, needing something to do other than the gym) - then moved to more of a contemporary martial art that had aspects of BJJ being worked in it as the instructor himself learned them.

I then met my current instructor and after issues at the previous school, we moved to another place with a few students and have been there for about 2 years.

Ego at the door is a necessity.


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