Thursday, June 22, 2006

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Technique Class

Well class proved to be rather difficult last night, for me anyway. Anybody I went up against in our guard passing drills probably had a pretty easy time. All started well when I was passing others guards but when I was put in the middle and others were trying to pass my guard I struggled very badly. Everything I tried failed. Generally it doesn't take more than 30 seconds to a minute for a person to either get submitted or to pass the guard but I struggled with one opponent for about 5 minutes. I couldn't scissor sweep him which is generally my goto move if I am struggling with someone. He also couldn't pass my guard. He would get it open but I would get it closed back up pretty quick so we weren't getting anywhere. Every attack I tried failed, I went for chokes, armbars, and the kimura to no avail. I tried almost every submission I know from the guard but I couldn't get any to work. It finally ended with me getting the sweep after 5 previous attempts. After this long drawn out battle I couldn't make a fist with my right hand because it was so sore from gripping his collar. This made me easy work for everyone that followed I couldn't stop a single person from passing my guard. It was pitiful. I then went back to attempting to pass others guards and I couldn't pass anyone's guard so I repeatedly got submitted. I think this is the worst I have ever felt after a class mentally. I just felt like I really haven't learned anything. Even the moves I thought I knew I realized I really don't know very well. Hopefully things will come together better Friday.


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